VMConnect Supply Chain Threat

 In recent months, the cybersecurity landscape has been marred by the persistence of the VMConnect Supply Chain Attack. This blog post aims to provide a professional yet easily understandable overview of this ongoing threat.

Understanding the VMConnect Supply Chain Attack

The VMConnect Supply Chain Attack is a sophisticated cyber threat that targets the software supply chain. This attack vector is particularly concerning because it infiltrates trusted software repositories and distribution channels, making it challenging to detect.
Diving into details
The researchers have discovered that the people behind this operation go to considerable measures to make their actions appear genuine. They set up GitHub repositories with descriptions that appear real and even employ legitimate source code.

  • Tablediter (736 downloads), Request-Plus (43 downloads), and Requestspro (341 downloads) are some of the most recent packages found.
  • Among these recently found packages, the first one appears to pose as a tool for modifying tables, while the other two mimic the widely utilized


  • While ReversingLabs was unable to positively identify the threat actor behind this campaign, Crowdstrike's analysts were confident in their identification of the malware's source as Labyrinth Chollima, a branch of the Lazarus Group, a state-sponsored threat organisation based in North Korea
  • JPCERT/CC connected the attack to DangerousPassword, another Lazarus Group affiliate, in addition to the aforementioned information.
  • These attributions, along with the striking code similarities between the packages discovered in the VMConnect campaign and those detailed in JPCERT/CC's investigation, have led researchers to the conclusion that the same threat actor is behind both assaults.


The VMConnect Supply Chain Attack is a persistent threat that demands vigilance and proactive security measures from organizations. By staying informed and taking steps to secure your software supply chain, you can better protect your systems and data from this evolving danger

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